• Developing Management Information System.
  • Designing budgetary and control system.
  • Determining measures of the effective utilization of capital.
  • Installing cost accounting system.
  • Assisting the management in the efficient use of working capital as an aid to improve productivity.
  • Advising management on principles of organization and methods for effective delegation and planning of work.
  • Rendering advice on international taxation matters, foreign collaborations, joint ventures, double taxation agreements etc.
  • Reviewing procedures and equipment for operational control.
  • Rendering secretarial services and advice on Corporate Law matters.
  • Advising management on amalgamations, reconstructions, takeovers and expansion schemes.
  • Assist in the preparation of feasibility studies of new project and expansion schemes.
  • Advise on the system analysis and design, including selection of hardware and development of software and feasibility of incorporating computer applications for accounting and commercial activities.
  • Assist in finding solutions for specific business problems such as product mix decisions, pricing decisions and making representation to Government on various matters etc.
  • Appraisal of personnel policies and practices.
  • Assist in the selection of executive personnel in the areas of production, marketing, accounts, data processing, personnel, general administration etc.
  • Acting as advisor or consultant to an issue, including such matters as drafting of prospectus and memorandum containing salient features of prospectus, preparation of publicity budget etc.
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